EFC Calculator

This Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculator will help you estimate the amount of college costs that colleges and government will expect you to pay from family resouces, including savings and borrowing. The result from this calculator is not your "official" result (you'll get that when you complete the FAFSA), but it is accurate enough for planning purposes. Please note: we do not collect or save the data you enter into this form.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator

This is a streamlined version of FinAid's Expected Family Contribution (EFC) Calculator.


Need Analysis Methodology:

Use Tables for Award Year:

Student Status:

Full Time
3/4 Time
Half Time
Less Than half time
Dependent Student
Independent Student
If independent, do you have any dependents other than yourself and a spouse?
If independent, please indicate your marital status:
Married (only student is enrolled at least half time)
Married (student and spouse both enrolled at least half time)

Family Information:

Household Size (Number in Family): ?
Number in College: ?

Parent Information:

Were your parents required to file a tax return during the tax year prior to the award year?

If your parents filed a tax return, were they eligible to file an IRS Form 1040A, 1040EZ, or 1040TEL?

Number of Parents:

: ?
Age of Older Parent: ?
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): ?
Federal Tax Paid: ? 
Earned Income (Father/Stepfather): ? 
Earned Income (Mother/Stepmother): ? 
Worksheet A (Untaxed Benefits): ? 
Worksheet B (Tax-Deferred & Untaxed Income): ? 
Worksheet C (Student Aid Included in AGI): ? 
Liquid Assets (Cash, Savings, Checking): ? 
Net Home Equity: ? 
Net Worth Business or Farm: ? 
Other Investments: ? 

Student Information:

Were you (or your spouse) required to file a tax return during the tax year prior to the award year?

If you (or your spouse) filed a tax return, were you eligible to file an IRS Form 1040A, 1040EZ, or 1040TEL?

State of Legal Residence: ?
Student Age as of December 31: ?
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI): ?
Federal Tax Paid: ? 
Earned Income (Student): ? 
Earned Income (Student's Spouse): ? 
Worksheet A (Untaxed Benefits): ? 
Worksheet B (Tax-Deferred & Untaxed Income): ? 
Worksheet C (Student Aid Included in AGI): ? 
Liquid Assets (Cash, Savings, Checking): ? 
Net Home Equity: ? 
Net Worth Business or Farm: ? 
Other Investments: ? 
Scholarships and Other Resources: ?

Start Over

This calculator estimates the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for a single year, so please supply annual figures for student and parent income. The form also asks you to supply information about student and parent assets, household size, number of family members in college, type of income tax returns filed and other factors. The calculator uses this information to calculate an estimate of your EFC.

Caveat: Although this calculator implements the Federal Need Analysis Methodology, the EFC figures may differ from those used by private colleges. In most cases they will be very close to the official figures, if not identical to them.

Each section of this form includes more detailed instructions for the items in that section. For help with a particular question, click on the question mark (?) adjacent to the field label.

After you've completed the form, please remember to press the "Calculate" button at the bottom of the form.

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Related Tools & Calculators
Parent Debt Calculator
It's a good idea to avoid borrowing too much, even for college.
Loan Calculator
When you borrow, you need to know your monthly payment to determine whether you can afford the loan.
Student Budget Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate the total cost of attending a particular college over four years.
EFC Worksheets
Download the EFC Worksheets that appear in Chapter 3 of FastWeb's College Gold.

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